Card On Guard: A Revolutionary Pool Antibacterial Design

Unplugged, Chemical-Free, and Efficient

Enough energy comes from the sun in 1 hour to meet the world's energy needs for 1 year. Collecting, storing, and using a fraction of it can provide 100 percent clean, constantly renewing energy in addition to replacing many other energy-dependent processes. The problem has been that expensive, bulky, difficult to operate and maintain, and inefficient equipment has been necessary to harness it until now.

Existing pool water treatment products involve either chemicals or electrical equipment. However, Victor De Franco Levi and Helmut Kruse have developed a completely unplugged, easy to use, cost-effective, and chemical-free solution called Card On Guard. This innovative design continuously captures, stores, and reemits UV and Infrared light to inhibit bacteria growth, replacing 50 to 100 percent of traditional pool and hot tub chemicals.

The shark fin design of Card On Guard not only simplifies the product but also adds a touch of functionality and attractiveness. The frame is made of polypropylene with cavities inside to hold submersion elements and flotation elements. These opposing weight and float elements, combined with holes on both sides of the frame, allow water inside, causing it to sink into position in just 5-10 seconds. This design ensures stability even in rough water.

Card On Guard's unique properties lie in its ability to capture, retain, and radiate electromagnetic energy in the form of photons. This photolytic action creates low levels of free radicals that oxidize bacteria, providing an effective antibacterial solution. To maximize both light and water exposure, the frame incorporates weight and buoyancy elements. This allows one of the upper edges to remain above the water's surface, catching wind and breezes to move Card On Guard around the pool or hot tub.

With a height of 477 mm, width of 300 mm, and depth of 25.4 mm, Card On Guard is lightweight and thin. Weighing only 0.68 kg, it is easy to handle and install. The design has undergone bacteriostatic testing and meets NSF/ANSI Standard 42.

The development of Card On Guard took 5 months, with extensive research and testing to ensure its effectiveness. The product has also received recognition, winning the 2015 Technology Innovator, Emerging Technology Awards 2015, Big Innovation 2015, and Red Dot 2016 Product Design awards.

Card On Guard represents the next step in the evolution of photonics-based technology. With its sleek and functional design, it offers a chemical-free solution for pool and hot tub owners. By harnessing the power of the sun, this design provides a sustainable and efficient method of water treatment, making it a game-changer in the industry.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Darren Hickman
Image Credits: Creative Director: Helmut Kruse Art Director: Marcus Schreiter Graphic Designer: Gabor Novoszadi
Project Team Members: Product Developer: Victor De Franco Levi Creative Supervisor: Darren Hickman Creative Director: Helmut Kruse Art Director: Marcus Schreiter Graphic Designer: Gabor Novoszadi
Project Name: Card On Guard
Project Client: Darren Hickman

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